December 25, 2010

The Power of Leverage

Leverage is using other people’s talents, skills, contacts, credibility, and resources.

Leverage is fully utilizing the latest technologies in computers, software and telecommunications to increase your speed and efficiency.

Leverage is using the power of the media to get millions of dollars of free publicity.

Leverage is borrowing celebrity fame for endorsements.

Leverage is selling products before you have them, or at least, before you have to pay for them!

Leverage is expanding your business using your customer’s or supplier’s money.

Leverage is getting the best people in the industry to work for you now, for almost nothing.

Leverage is getting more from each of your employees by properly training them, treating them well, and giving them the space to express their true talents.

Leverage is getting more from yourself, enhancing your business knowledge, developing yourself personally and increasing your stamina and energy.

Leverage is managing your time more effectively so you do the right things instead of just do things right.

Rich People vs. Poor People

Rich People vs. Poor People

by Harv Eker

1. Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people believe, "Life happens to me."

2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game not to lose.

3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.

4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.

7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.

10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.

11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

12. Rich people think "both." Poor people think "either/or."

13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.

14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.

15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.

16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.

17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

Managed Forex Accounts

The Foreign Exchange market, or simply 'Forex', is the largest market in the world, with a daily turnover of at least $4 trillion.  Many people are attracted to the high and often quick returns offered by this lucrative market.
However, in order to make money in this market, someone has to make the trades.  And, becoming a full-time Forex trader, not to mention a profitable one, is far from easy. 

It’s been estimated that 95% of all new traders lose their accounts within the first 5-7 trades!  The remaining 5% are either breaking even or making a profit, but only 1 or 2% are profitable on a regular basis.  It can take months and often years to become a competent trader, let alone a profitable one.  

However, with the advent of computer software technology, automated trading software exploits the market - and is currently making a handful of people very wealthy.  Corporations, major banks, and other powerful organizations spend a great deal of money hiring programmers to come up with software to trade the markets.  It wasn't until about 10 years ago that commercial trading software became available to the public.  Unlike human traders, automated trading software is not affected by the countless roadblocks that prevent humans from profiting in Forex.  

Essentially, there are two main emotions that dominate manual trading:  Fear and greed.  Fear prevents traders from placing trades or cutting their winning ones.  Greed often tempts traders to stay in the game beyond their daily quota, often causing drawdown.  Usually though, one or the other wins out, and the human trader is left vulnerable to wild results, and often a blown account.  Automated trading software is never affected by emotions, fatigue, and other debilitating factors.  The software also sticks to its game plan/trading strategy; whereas most human traders jump around from one to another - and are not committed to theirs.  

Above all, most human traders – and this includes professional traders – simply cannot match the accuracy and profitability achieved by the best trading software.  For example, most profitable human traders are trading with a 50-70% winning percentage.  Vantage Invesments, LLC uses software that trades with at least a 90% winning percentage.  

Vantage Investments, LLC has spent years testing and acquiring the latest, cutting-edge trading software.  We are intimate with the best programmers on the market.  Our software analyzes, judges, and executes some of the best possible trades available on the market, 24 hours a day.  By enrolling in our managed Forex accounts, our clients tap into the market and receive monthly dividends - without having to spend the time, energy, and money learning to trade.

Vantage Investments, LLC offers several different kinds of managed Forex accounts to its clients, depending on their needs.  Our returns are more than competitive, and offer a formidable and refreshing alternative to more traditional investment strategies, such as stocks, bonds, CDs, 401Ks, and savings accounts.

For further information, email Brad at:

December 24, 2010

Money Matters are Soul Matters

by Brad Dunn

Did you ever stop to think about money?  How many people really stop and think about the true nature of money, i.e., what it represents, why they don't have more of it, etc.?  More often than not, you'll find that the way people think about money will project or manifest in their lives - with amazing accuracy, for better or worse... How many times have you heard the following statements in your life:

1)  "You have to be smart, educated or born into wealth to make money" 
2)  "Money is the root of all evil"
3)  "Making money is hard, and achieving wealth takes many years"
4)  "You'll never have a lot of money working for someone else"
5)  "Making money is easy!"

Let's consider statement number one for a moment.  Yes, of course it helps to be smart, educated or born into wealth - but we've all met/heard of examples of people who were NOT that smart, NOT educated, and NOT born into wealth.  I knew one myself:  my grandfather!  He grew up on a farm in North Carolina during the Reconstruction.  I'm not sure if he graduated high school, but be became a multi-millionaire well before he passed away.  

What about statement #2?  Some of you may recognize this phrase, because it's from the Bible.  However, did you know that the Bible mentions faith and prayer roughly 1,000 times in its pages -- but it mentions money and wealth over 2,000 times!!  To quote George Bernard Shaw, 'The LACK of money is the root of all evil' - Amen, George!

Statement #3 has some truth in it.  Money doesn't grow on trees, as they say.  But making money doesn't have to be necessarily that hard.  If you have the right mindset - an investor's mindset - your financial profile can change dramatically in just a few short years.  For example, Forex (the Foreign Exchange) is the world's largest market - with a daily turnover of $4 Trillion.  A knowledgeable forex trader can turn $10,000 into $1,000,000 in about a year with careful money/risk management! 

Statement #4 is a mindset statement.  Most people toil for years in jobs they hate, dreaming of a way out.  They were told to go to school, get a degree, and get a high-paying job.  And then of course that's only the beginning:  You've got to enter on the ground floor, work your way up, politic, etc.  The years quickly pass.  But inflation has kept rising, along with the cost of living.  Then a recession comes along and whammo! - there goes the precious portfolio you were carefully saving/building over the years.  The truth is, it is VERY DIFFICULT achieving wealth and financial freedom via the 9-to-5.  Passive income is one the biggest keys to financial independence.

Statement #5 is the state of mind we're after... It's the Holy Grail mindset that is achievable and available - if you're just open to it.

Vantage Investments, LLC has strong and proven passive income strategies for the interested investor.  Call Brad at 818-332-4284, or email me to learn more!  Email:

Shelf Corporations: Your Gold Key to Financial Wealth

Did you ever wonder how successful investors like Donald Trump fund their multi-million (and sometimes billion!) dollar projects?  Certainly, they don't always have THAT much money in their savings account!  No, often they used something called a 'shelf corporation' (a.k.a., an 'aged corporation').

A shelf corporation is an entity that has had limited or no activity.  They are literally 'aged' and are often later sold to person(s) who want to start a company without going through all the procedures of creating a new one.  Below are some common reasons for buying a shelf corporation:
  • To save the time involved in taking the steps to create a new corporation.
  • To gain the opportunity to bid on contracts. Some jurisdictions require that a company be in business for a certain length of time to have this ability.
  • To create an appearance of corporate longevity, which may boost investor or consumer confidence.
  • To gain access to investment capital.
  • To gain easier access to corporate credit.
For the average investor, having access to thousands of dollars, sometimes six or seven figures, opens up a bigger world in terms of freedom and leverage.

In the past, especially before the recession, shelf corporations could often get funded by banks with lines of credit solely based on their history, or hard assets owned by the entity.  However, now the banks usually won't fund a corporation without a solid 'personal guarantor' (or 'PG') - i.e., someone with outstanding credit that is made an officer of the corporation for the sole purpose of getting funding from banks.  Later, usually after a few months, the PG is removed legally from the corporation - because they have served their purpose and are no longer needed.  For their services, most PGs are paid a certain percentage of the funding from the investor/buyer of the corporation.