December 24, 2010

Money Matters are Soul Matters

by Brad Dunn

Did you ever stop to think about money?  How many people really stop and think about the true nature of money, i.e., what it represents, why they don't have more of it, etc.?  More often than not, you'll find that the way people think about money will project or manifest in their lives - with amazing accuracy, for better or worse... How many times have you heard the following statements in your life:

1)  "You have to be smart, educated or born into wealth to make money" 
2)  "Money is the root of all evil"
3)  "Making money is hard, and achieving wealth takes many years"
4)  "You'll never have a lot of money working for someone else"
5)  "Making money is easy!"

Let's consider statement number one for a moment.  Yes, of course it helps to be smart, educated or born into wealth - but we've all met/heard of examples of people who were NOT that smart, NOT educated, and NOT born into wealth.  I knew one myself:  my grandfather!  He grew up on a farm in North Carolina during the Reconstruction.  I'm not sure if he graduated high school, but be became a multi-millionaire well before he passed away.  

What about statement #2?  Some of you may recognize this phrase, because it's from the Bible.  However, did you know that the Bible mentions faith and prayer roughly 1,000 times in its pages -- but it mentions money and wealth over 2,000 times!!  To quote George Bernard Shaw, 'The LACK of money is the root of all evil' - Amen, George!

Statement #3 has some truth in it.  Money doesn't grow on trees, as they say.  But making money doesn't have to be necessarily that hard.  If you have the right mindset - an investor's mindset - your financial profile can change dramatically in just a few short years.  For example, Forex (the Foreign Exchange) is the world's largest market - with a daily turnover of $4 Trillion.  A knowledgeable forex trader can turn $10,000 into $1,000,000 in about a year with careful money/risk management! 

Statement #4 is a mindset statement.  Most people toil for years in jobs they hate, dreaming of a way out.  They were told to go to school, get a degree, and get a high-paying job.  And then of course that's only the beginning:  You've got to enter on the ground floor, work your way up, politic, etc.  The years quickly pass.  But inflation has kept rising, along with the cost of living.  Then a recession comes along and whammo! - there goes the precious portfolio you were carefully saving/building over the years.  The truth is, it is VERY DIFFICULT achieving wealth and financial freedom via the 9-to-5.  Passive income is one the biggest keys to financial independence.

Statement #5 is the state of mind we're after... It's the Holy Grail mindset that is achievable and available - if you're just open to it.

Vantage Investments, LLC has strong and proven passive income strategies for the interested investor.  Call Brad at 818-332-4284, or email me to learn more!  Email: