December 25, 2010

The Power of Leverage

Leverage is using other people’s talents, skills, contacts, credibility, and resources.

Leverage is fully utilizing the latest technologies in computers, software and telecommunications to increase your speed and efficiency.

Leverage is using the power of the media to get millions of dollars of free publicity.

Leverage is borrowing celebrity fame for endorsements.

Leverage is selling products before you have them, or at least, before you have to pay for them!

Leverage is expanding your business using your customer’s or supplier’s money.

Leverage is getting the best people in the industry to work for you now, for almost nothing.

Leverage is getting more from each of your employees by properly training them, treating them well, and giving them the space to express their true talents.

Leverage is getting more from yourself, enhancing your business knowledge, developing yourself personally and increasing your stamina and energy.

Leverage is managing your time more effectively so you do the right things instead of just do things right.